DIY Wedding Projects: Yay! or Hell No?

Do-it-yourself wedding projects are becoming a rite of passage for brides-to-be. Pinterest posts on DIY projects claim that these projects are an easy and cost effective way to add a personal touch to your wedding.

But, how realistic are these claims? Should everyone DIY? In my next blog post, I will detail a DIY wedding project that I am going to attempt. In the meantime, here is some advice on how to choose a DIY project for your wedding, if you are brave enough.

1) Before you choose a project evaluate your motivation

It’s easy to get caught up in the DIY frenzy. Crafty people are posting their beautiful wedding creations all the time (see my resources tab for some of my favorites), but not everyone is a DIY goddess. If you’re not into DIY, that’s okay!

There are plenty of other ways for you to make your wedding unique. Don’t feel pressured if you really aren’t into it. Some of us are better at drinking out of wine glasses than decorating them.

2) Choose your DIY project wisely

The last thing you want to do is become overwhelmed by a DIY project. Choose a project that doesn’t require a ton of supplies (especially if you are doing this to save money!) and one that you can realistically see yourself doing.

If you can’t work a sewing machine for the life of you, you probably shouldn’t attempt to sew table runners for every table at your reception. Instead, choose something that uses foolproof methods like using a glue gun or painting using a stencil.

3) Practice makes perfect

I hate to break it to you, but your first attempt probably won’t come out perfectly (unless you are the Martha Stewart of crafting!). Buy extra supplies to practice with or start off with a similar craft as a test for your real pièce de résistance.

4) Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Want to create a sticker to feature on your favors, but have no idea where to start? Or want to paint table numbers on your centerpieces, but are wary of your skills?

There’s no shame in asking your artistically gifted family and friends for help in creating your masterpiece. Most likely they will be happy to help and will be flattered that you think so highly of their skills.

Last, but not least…

5) Have fun!

Doing a DIY project for your wedding should be fun, not stressful. Use your DIY time to spend quality time with your bridal party, mother/mother-in-law, or your future husband or wife.

If you try a DIY project and it doesn’t turn out as planned, don’t fret. There are so many ways you can customize your wedding from favors, to invitations, to centerpieces. Best of all, you can have someone else customize these items for you, but that’s for another blog post!

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