Alternative Honeymoon Ideas for Couples

Going on a honeymoon isn’t as practical as it used to be. Today couples are choosing to go on their honeymoons months or even years after their wedding day. Others choose not to go on one at all. Why spend thousands of dollars on a week in the sun when you could put it towards rent, a down payment on a house, or student loans?

Historically, a honeymoon referred to the time period after a wedding during which couples drank honey-based mead to increase fertility. During the 1800s, British couples would go on journeys after their wedding to visit family and friends who couldn’t make it to their celebration.

Whatever your honeymoon dilemma I have come up with a few alternatives to save you money and use the most of your time with your new partner in crime:

  1. Road Trip– There’s something romantic about hitting the open road. Map out a route featuring places you’ve always wanted to see. Make a playlist of your favorite songs. For more ideas check out the Travel Channel’s post on the 5 Most Romantic Road Trips.
  2. Camping– For nature lovers, camping is the perfect way to spend quality time together. There are no distractions in the outdoors and according to Elite Daily couples who go camping together have better sex.
  3. Stay Home– Okay you might be thinking, why on earth would we take off an entire week to stay home? But just think about the options: Putting away and organizing all your wedding gifts, having a Netflix movie marathon, or finally going to that local restaurant you’ve always wanted to try. A honeymoon with your honey doesn’t have to be complicated.
  4. Day Trips– Plan a week of small excursions! Go bungee jumping, take a cooking class together, or try wine tasting. The best part of day trips is that you still get to go on adventures together, but you don’t need to pack or make sure that your passport is up-to-date!

Do you have any fun alternative honeymoon ideas? Leave them in the comments below!